Patient list | | Glossary of terms Vulture Programme
2024-0048 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-03-29
Final date -
Days in captivity40
SpeciesWBVU - African White-backed Vulture
Flat - cold on collecting-lethargic
Necrotic tongue (Painful tongue when feeding).

Cause of injury: Electrocution

Monitoring for release Bird initially tagged in Malawi on the 22 November 2020 by Andre Botha in the Nyika Plateau National Park.

Found in Hartswater,Northern Cape
NA county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate4050.002000.00
Total  2240.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images



2024-04-26 16:44 Clarence

Location changed to: 12) AWBV rehab

2024-04-26 08:06 CM

This bird must be checked by OP before release

2024-04-09 18:22 Clarence

Gave Ketoconazale 1ml orally (SID).
Gave 0.4ml Metoclopramide subcut(SID).
The bird is getting stronger and the hydration level is fine.
We gave meat pieces mixed with protexin to help with digestion.

2024-04-06 12:01 Clarence

We gave Ketoconazale 1ml orally (SID).
Metoclopramide 0.4ml subcut (SID).

2024-04-05 14:12 Clarence

Give Ketoconazale 1ml once a day(SID) orally until bottle is finished.
Give 0.4ml Metoclopramide under the skin (subcut) once day (SID)until 3 vials finished.

2024-04-05 12:58 Clarence

Possible electrocution caused tongue necrosis which lead to dehydration.
Gut stasis becauseof inabilityto eat and feednormally.
We must monitor weight daily and ensure that no weight is lost.

2024-04-05 12:53 Clarence

Location changed to: Hospital

2024-03-30 08:45 Clarence

Location changed to: Onderstepoort

2024-03-29 19:32 KW

2024-03-29 17:08 Clarence

2024-03-29 17:03 Clarence

Bird given 400 mls of subcut fluids yesterday and around 8h00 am.
We gave 100 mls subcut fluids on arrival.
0.5 mls Vitamin BCo IM.

2024-03-29 17:03 Clarence
Weight: 4.700 kg, BCS: 3.0

2024-03-29 17:03 Clarence

Band changed to: G36165

Version 3.1.8 - 3.18.66 Wed May 08 00:25:59 2024